Pharmaceutical Product Serialization & Traceability

Serialization & Traceability for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices

The global marketing of medicines requires compliance with the respective national serialization regulations. Seamless traceability from production to the patient prevents the circulation of falsified products that could harm patients. Regarding the traceability of medical products, national regulations governing optimum patient protection likewise apply, such as the FDA Medical Device Tracking Requirements. Depending on the risk class, marking alone may suffice, or traceability may also be required here. When it comes to packaging, in some instances these regulations are combined with the specifications for pharmaceutical products. For example, uniquely marked packaging units are aggregated across all packaging levels according to the parent-child relationship principle. A scan of the aggregated pallet code, for instance, provides information on all the individually packaged products on the pallet. 

The latest serialization generation: Uhlmann Serialization Platform S 500

Track & Trace Technology by Uhlmann

The far-reaching Track & Trace experience and expertise of Uhlmann Pac Systeme enable the company to offer the capability and equipment worldwide. In Southern Africa Reitech SA as their Agent join forces with Uhlmann to offer the Track & Trace technology to all pharmaceutical producers and manufacturers of medical devices. The sophisticated Uhlmann technology and equipment meet all serialization and aggregation requirements in compliance with every specification and standard worldwide. Whether integrated into your packaging machines or lines, or as a standalone unit, Uhlmann forms the appropriate solution from our modular portfolio. 

Read more about Uhlmann’s Track & Trace Technology or have a look at Uhlmann’s live showroom

Serialization and Aggregation

The basis of every Track & Trace application is the serialization of the smallest unit of sale – using unique identification marking. The next step is the aggregation of the separate packs to larger units. This establishes the parent-child relationship along the pharmaceutical supply chain. Should tracing be necessary, this relationship principle makes it easy to identify which individual packs are in which cartons, and on which pallets. Download Uhlmann’s Track & Trace factsheet for more information.


Serialization Platform S 500 by Uhlmann

Uhlmann’s modular Serialization Platform S 500 that can be integrated into the line or used flexibly.

Download the factsheet for the Serialization Platform S 500 here. 


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